
作者:admin 更新时间:2024-06-01 08:53:51

当前位置 : 首页 > 实时动态>行业百答 实体行业必须通过短视频“重做一遍”


2024-06-01 08:53:51 分享 浏览次数:0


Under the influence of various factors such as policy guidance, technological advancement, and economic development, China's short video industry has experienced years of vigorous development, accumulated a huge industrial scale, and still maintains a growth trend, becoming the main engine for the development of the digital content industry; As of December 2023, the total number of short video accounts on the entire network has reached an astonishing 1.55 billion, with 15.08 million professional anchors. Short videos have become a basic application for the whole population and also the main channel for new internet users to access the internet; As the user base gradually saturates, relevant data indicates that the annual growth rate of short video users will slow down to around 2% in the next two years. Short video content will expand from being mainly focused on "pan entertainment" to diversified directions of "pan entertainment+pan knowledge". "short video+" will gradually cross boundaries and integrate into various consumer scenarios, continuously expanding new business growth points


A place where users are present is a gathering place for traffic


Short videos can quickly capture the audience's attention. In today's world of information overload, people's attention is becoming increasingly dispersed. However, short videos, with their unique audio-visual impact and compact content structure, can quickly attract the audience's attention in a short period of time; This makes short videos an ideal choice for promotion and promotion, whether it is brand promotion, product promotion, or event marketing, they can achieve twice the result with half the effort through short videos; Various platforms compete for users and content creators in succession: platforms such as Tiktok and Kwai have become very popular short video platforms for users. They have attracted a large number of users by introducing various attractive functions and content


The physical industry has always been highly competitive, and after the impact of the epidemic, it has been difficult to make progress. The road to adjustment in the past two years has also been very difficult. Therefore, it is even more necessary to "redo" through short videos to revitalize enterprises, expand their marketing channels, and through the dissemination of videos, let more users see our enterprise and explore more potential and precise customers. Therefore, for the physical industry, making a short video once can bring more advantages to enterprises:


Enhancing the influence of enterprises


Short video is a vivid, intuitive and easy to spread marketing method. It can show the products, services, culture, etc. of enterprises through video content, attract the attention of potential customers, and increase more attention. Based on big data and artificial intelligence technology, algorithms can accurately screen the content that users may be interested in from the massive Internet information, which can be pushed to the users in need more quickly


Enhance user stickiness


Short videos can attract user attention and enhance user stickiness through vivid and interesting content. At the same time, the social attributes of video platforms can also allow users to interact with enterprises, increasing user engagement and loyalty. This interaction not only helps to improve user experience, but also brings more business opportunities to enterprises.


Improve conversion rate


Short videos can provide users with a more intuitive understanding of a company's products and services through vivid visuals and sound effects, thereby increasing conversion rates. Short videos can also guide users to make purchases, appointments, and other operations. This targeted promotion method can greatly improve a company's conversion rate and bring more sales revenue to the company


Reduce marketing costs


Short videos can provide users with a more intuitive understanding of a company's products and services through vivid visuals and sound effects, thereby increasing conversion rates. Short videos can also guide users to make purchases, appointments, and other operations. This targeted promotion method can greatly improve a company's conversion rate and bring more sales revenue to the company


Increase corporate recognition


Through vivid and interesting content, companies can help users better understand their culture and values, increase brand affinity, and short videos can also showcase their social responsibility and public welfare activities, increase their social image, and enhance their public recognition


How does the physical industry position its short videos?


The commercial monetization models of short video platforms are becoming increasingly diversified, including advertising placement, e-commerce diversion, live streaming sales, knowledge payment, etc; These models not only improve the profitability of the platform, but also provide users with a diversified consumer experience. If the physical industry wants to get a share of its pie, it needs to make videos more vertical and professional. At the same time, targeted production and promotion based on different platforms and audiences are also needed. Below, we can start from the following aspects:


Clarify the positioning of the enterprise


To do a good job in short video operation in the physical industry, it is necessary to clarify one's own corporate positioning and target audience. Through market research, user research, and other methods, one can understand the preferences, needs, and consumption habits of target users, and based on this, develop a suitable corporate positioning to avoid blindly following the trend, achieve precise positioning, and improve the conversion rate of short videos


Create high-quality short videos


The quality of short video production is crucial for attracting user attention and increasing user engagement. Efforts should be made in short video production to choose suitable short video creativity and highlight product characteristics and selling points as much as possible. At the same time, the visual, music, copywriting, and other aspects of short videos also need to be carefully considered to create high-quality and creative short videos that resonate with users in a short period of time, thereby increasing user stickiness and conversion rates


Choose the appropriate promotion method


Major platforms offer various forms of advertising, and it is necessary to choose the appropriate advertising form according to their own needs and budget to enhance the promotional influence of the enterprise; You can also choose some professional companies to operate and promote the goals that physical enterprises need to achieve


Development of operational strategies


Physical enterprises need to develop specific operational strategies, including the following aspects:

  1. 账号管理:选择合适的平台和工具进行账号管理,确保内容发布和运营的高效性.

  2. false

1. Account management: Choose the appropriate platform and tools for account management to ensure the efficiency of content publishing and operation

2. 内容发布:根据目标受众的活跃时间和兴趣点,合理安排内容发布的时间和频率.

2. Content release: Reasonably arrange the time and frequency of content release based on the active time and interests of the target audience

3. 互动管理:积极回复评论和私信,加强与用户的互动,提高用户满意度和忠诚度.

3. Interactive management: Actively respond to comments and private messages, strengthen interaction with users, and improve user satisfaction and loyalty

4. 数据分析:定期对数据进行分析和总结,找出内容的优点和不足,不断优化运营策略.

4. Data analysis: Regularly analyze and summarize the data, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the content, and continuously optimize operational strategies


Continuous optimization and iteration


Major platforms offer various forms of advertising, and it is necessary to choose the appropriate advertising form according to their own needs and budget to enhance the promotional influence of the enterprise; You can also choose some professional companies to operate and promote the goals that physical enterprises need to achieve


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