
作者:admin 更新时间:2024-03-06 21:58:15

当前位置 : 首页 > 实时动态>新闻资讯 动静态的网站在程序上有什么区别?


2024-03-06 21:58:15 分享 浏览次数:0


Through development languages such as PHP, website data is dynamically stored in the server's database. When a user website dynamically generates web pages by reading a database, it is called a dynamic website.


The difference between dynamic websites and static websites is that network culture brings people a virtual yet real thing. You can't see how it works behind it, but you can actually see it from the front of your computer screen. Some websites can do a lot for us, while others cannot. Why? This involves the issue of webpage types. Overall, websites are divided into two categories: dynamic websites and static websites.


The difference between dynamic websites and static websites in terms of functionality

1 .动态网站可以实现静态网站所实现不了的功能,比方说:聊天室、论坛、音乐播放、浏览器、搜索等:而静态的网站则实现不了.

1. Dynamic websites can achieve functions that static websites cannot, such as chat rooms, forums, music playback, browsers, searches, etc. However, static websites cannot

2 .静态网站,如用 F rontPage 或 Dreeaver 开发出来的网站,其源代码是完全公开的,任何浏览者都可以非常轻松地得到其源代码,也就是说,自己设计出来的东西很容易被别人盗用.动态网站,如: ASP 开发出来的网站,虽然浏览者也可以看到其源代码,但是那己经是转换过以后的代码,想盗用源代码那是不可能的,因为它的源代码已经放在服务器上了,客户端是看不到的.


2. Static website, such as using FrontPage or Dre? The source code of a website developed by Eve is completely public, and any viewer can easily obtain its source code. In other words, things designed by oneself are easily stolen by others. Dynamic websites, such as those developed by ASP, although viewers can also see their source code, it is already converted code, and it is impossible to steal the source code, Because its source code has already been placed on the server and cannot be seen by the client


In fact, dynamic websites also have static pages, such as official websites in the United States. We will have a contact page and a detailed article page. These pages are static and can only be viewed by users who visit the website, but do not provide functions such as adding forms and comments. However, dynamic websites will provide users with functions such as filling out forms, commenting, and commenting.


In terms of current search engine listing rules and user experience, even dynamic websites have static pages. HTML, because such pages are more suitable for search engines to capture and list.


In fact, current industry analysis shows that the difference between dynamic and static is not so obvious, because with the maturity of technology and the emergence of open platforms, static web pages can easily present dynamic web pages and it is difficult to distinguish them in detail. However, current website construction companies are also dynamic websites, and they do not actually create a large number of static HTML pages to form a website.


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